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JuSTEMagine Lincolnshire Chapter's Half-Day STEM Events

By Ishika Desai

The Lincolnshire Chapter of JuSTEMagine, led by Riya Vijayasankar and Kshithi Prasanna, held their third unique half-day event for elementary level students. Wanting to create a STEM event focusing on the fundamentals, this session was based on chemistry and its application in slime. The chapter used the hands-on experience of creating the slime and the chemical compositions of glue and borax to create an interactive and informative learning experience for both the students and the members of the chapter. Although the experience was successful, Lincolnshire seeks to increase volunteer turnout for the next event.

Overall, the Lincolnshire half-day events are successful in engaging students through STEM and the experiences are valuable to both the students and the chapter as well. When asked about the event, the chapter stated that, “We’re super glad to have the opportunity to spread awareness about the STEM field!” The Lincolnshire Chapter showed that engaging and fun STEM lessons can be valuable experiences for all.

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